ANNE BACKUS is fighting for us!

Anne is a mother, grandmother, retired Y-12 project manager, and an active volunteer in the community and her church. Anne believes that our government needs to refocus its priorities and truly serve the people. As your state representative, she will bring the people back into the people’s house.  

Anne is running for State Representative anchored by the Anderson County values of honesty, transparency, and doing right by our neighbors. Chip in today to help lay the groundwork for a winning campaign in 2024 >>

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Anne is committed to the fight to defend and strengthen public education, ensure affordable healthcare for all, and make Anderson County safe for all who call it home. Learn more about Anne’s priorities as your State Representative:


Meet anne

The daughter of a teacher and a chemical engineer, Anne grew up with a deep sense of community. Her parents, active community volunteers, used their resources, voices, and energy to advocate for and assist others in the community.

After earning a degree in Industrial Engineering from Mississippi State University, Anne moved to Anderson County to work at the Y-12 Plant as a Project Manager for 33 years. While she was working, she raised three daughters and supported them as a girl scout leader, band mom, classroom volunteer, and sunday school teacher. Since retiring in 2014, she has become the proud grandma of two boys.

Anne has spent her retirement volunteering in her community. She enjoys tutoring young people in math and working with youth in her church. Nothing makes her happier than seeing the light bulb go off when someone understands a math problem — sometimes she even gets them to actually like math. Anne also acts as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for the Anderson County Juvenile court. Though challenging, it is her most rewarding and impactful work.  

Anne also is involved in social advocacy work in Anderson County as the founder/co-chair of PFLAG’s Oak Ridge Chapter and a member of the Anderson County NAACP.