public schools

Anne strongly believes in public schools. She believes our tax dollars should go to public schools, not to parents who choose private schools. Vouchers for private schools take away much needed funds from public schools. Private schools can decide which students to admit, and they aren’t held to the same standards as public schools.

access to healthcare

Anne supports affordable healthcare for everyone, and she especially supports access to women’s reproductive healthcare. Tennessee’s extreme laws insert the government into decisions on reproductive healthcare that should be between a woman and her doctor.

common sense gun safety laws

Anne will be an advocate for common sense gun safety laws. This includes universal background checks, safe storage requirements, and Extreme Risk Protection laws. Our children, and all Tennessee residents, deserve common-sense laws that offer increased security and protection from gun violence.

Equality & Equity for all

Anne actively supports equality and equity for all, regardless of race, disability, gender, gender identity, religion, or economic status.

Local control of libraries

Anne believes that local governments should decide what books are allowed in their schools and public libraries, not the state government.

giving voters a voice

Anne will take the people’s voice to the Tennessee House of Representatives. Efforts to limit the people’s voice in committee hearings and House sessions must be stopped.